Monday, August 15, 2011

Back to Reality

It's 3:21 on Monday afternoon. It is also my first day back to work since my spinal cord stimulator was implanted in my spine. The morning went pretty well, but around lunch time I had some pain that now is just lingering no matter what program I use. I wonder if it has anything to do with someone taking my chair from my desk while I was out. My name tag was still on the wall, my computer and all my personal stuff still on my desk, and someone took my chair. The chair I have had since 2005. Bad thing is all the chairs that are left are broken. so here I sit in a conference room straight chair, with a bad back/neck. I know I shouldn't complain, but I am. I think it is another example of people not respecting others (or their things). Probably the same person that ate all my string cheese (had my name on it) from the refrigerator several months ago. I posted Proverbs 15:15 today. It says people with a miserable heart are miserable and people with a cheerful heart fill the days with song. Think I will sing a song about the chair thief, Rant complete!

1 comment:

  1. Proverbs 9:17 (NIV)
    17 "Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!" Love your chair. Just joking. Make them order you a new one.
