Friday, January 13, 2012

Being Perfect

In this time before my mission trip I know God is molding me to be what He needs to use me in Kenya. I also know this has nothing to do with my physical appearance. I had a great experience in May in finding, and wearing a wig. However, in the 7 months since then, I have realized the following

1. Wigs are hot
2. Wigs are expensive
3. Wigs squeeze your head
4. Wigs fly off if they are not squeezing your head
5. Wigs are itchy

I am not a "girly" girl. Never have been. The wig for me was not to feel "girly" but I thought it would make me feel normal. Well, after these 7 months I feel more normal with it off. Now comes the worrying if people will accept me, make fun of me, laugh at me. Will I now, not feel like a woman? On facebook, of all places, I see a page for Bald Barbie. Awareness for women that are hairless for whatever reason. Love it! So then I start thinking. Is the Wig how I really am? No. Will I still wear one, sure. Just not all the time.

January at ACS is extremely exhausting (thank goodness people only close their books once a year). We are now at the end of week 2. I woke up this morning thinking, "I cannot wear the head squeezer to work today." So I showered, got dressed, put my hair in my backpack, and left the house. I stopped at our church (they have prayer breakfast on Fridays for the youth) and got some church family loving and no one laughed or pointed or anything.

OK, on to work! And no one laughed, or pointed, or anything. Then I opened my email and found my Proverbs 31 Ministry Encouragement for Today - Being Perfect. God sent me just what I needed today!  I love how He does that.  I am perfect to God, because He made me. Doesn't matter how fluffy I am or the lack of hair. He created me to do his work, so I am perfect, perfect for sharing the love of God with others!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! Love, love, love it! But I still love you more!
