Thursday, January 19, 2012

and the award goes to...

and the award goes to....

I have been given a coveted Blog Award.  I would like to thank my friends for your support and encouragement.

Ok, now let's get serious....a friend of mine sent this "award" to me and I thought it looked like fun. 

Here are THE rules:
1. Thank the person(s) who gave this award to you.
2. List 7 things that people may not know about you.
3. Pass it on to 15 other bloggers

Jessica, I don't really know how to put into words what you have come to mean to me. You accept and love unconditionally. You are an eloquent writer, wonderful mom, and great friend.  I thank God, and Tory, for putting us together. Sometimes I sit back and laugh at the way you can bring our group back into focus (it rather reminds me of herding cats at times). I treasure the day I stepped into the classroom full of Beloved Beauties.

7 Things people may not know about me

  1. 1. My uncle played guitar with Bruce Sprinsteen, but decided to get married instead of stay with the E-Street band.
  2. I have been bitten by a duck (or is it pecked)
  3. I had no idea vegetables came in a can until we moved to SC
  4. I used to drive to Hartsville everyday to ride horses
  5. My son and I were baptized together in November 2010
  6. Was offered a job at the Charlotte Airport right out of high-school as a translator
  7. Have tactile issues with clothes

I don't know 15 other bloggers

1 comment:

  1. So does this mean you ate all veggies straight from the dirt??? I'm impressed!

    And what type of tactile issues do you have? I'm intrigued!
