Monday, October 31, 2011

Put Your Faith To Work

That has been the topic of my daily devotion for 4 days.Saturday a BBQ customer asked about CRASH. I couldn't remember all of the letters so I called Justin over and he told the story about the Rhino and their ability to only see 30 feet in front of them and the ability to hit top speed of 30 or 35 miles an hour. Choices Relationships Adventure Salvation Hope.  Sunday our sermon is on what we are suppose to do for God. I start reading my lesson for next Sunday and it is about being a servant of God.  Moses being told he was the one to lead his people out of Egypt. Strange how the Lord talks to us.

I know now more than ever that I am being called to Africa. Don't know how I'm going to pay my way but I have faith that if God is calling me to go, He will get me there. I know this because of the Relationship I have with my Father. It's me making the Choice to listen to what God is telling me and to obey. As Christians we are to love, worship, and tell the world about Jesus. Tell the world....I'm up for an Adventure to Kenya. If God can love me and all of my imperfections, there is Hope for everyone. Salvation is a gift waiting for everyone! What a better story to want to share.

I keep getting stuck on the Why(s) and How(s). Why me? Why Africa? How am I to pay for this? How can I teach anyone else anything about God?

Then today I was reminded of the answer. When Moses asked "Who am I that I should go..." The Lord answered " I will certainly be with you."  Later He tells Moses to tell them  "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say.....I AM has sent me to you."(Exodus 3:11-14) Well - there you have it. I am to go to Africa and tell whoever I see that the great I AM has sent me. And what has he sent me for? To Worship, tell the world about Jesus, and LOVE God and each other.

How simple is that!  What a GREAT last couple of days I have had. I love that God is speaking to me thru everyone I know. Reminding me that if I have faith in HIM, everything is possible!

Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave the rest to God...Have a good week ya'll!

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