Friday, February 17, 2012

Making Me Like A Wave

I sat in front of my computer one day in the summer of 2011 and watched a 10 minute Youtube video. This video was about a children's village, seemingly worlds away from Florence, SC. I had a couple lunches with your Youth Pastor and talked about the opportunities for our church to send a group to this village in the summer of 2012.

God immediately started talking to me about this journey. I call it a journey because it is not just a trip, at least not to me. I have been on a journey with our Lord to prepare to visit the children of Mattaw Children's Village. We often wonder why God doesn't stop things that we perceive as bad from happening. I have learned over and over again that it is when we feel at our lowest, that God is at his strongest in our lives. If we just give the worries, anxiety, pain over to Him, He will comfort us and eventually we will see the good that comes from the situation.

Since 2009 I have had 3 surgeries because of problems with discs in my neck. Before the last on in 2011, I felt hopeless, depressed, scared. To top things off, because of my surgeries and recovery times, it was beginning to be hard to make ends meet with our monthly bills. We asked for assistance from our mortgage company and they said we had to be in default before we could apply for any kind of assistance. So, that's what we did and applied for all of the assistance programs that were offered and that we could find on the internet. The problem always seemed to be that we had jobs that were "too good" or we weren't behind enough, or we were too behind. In January 2011 I started praying for God to give me a peace with all of this. I gave it to Him because I didn't know what else I could do. I was in constant pain awaiting a trial procedure and totally fed up with the mortgage companies. So I prayed. Looking back I realize that is where I should have prayer, but then I wouldn't have this story to tell you about God's amazing plans for my life.

I prayed and my husband and I talked and it was decided with our family that we would try combining households with his parents. They could use the monetary help as well and we could also help in other ways around the house and yards. Again, I pray. Are we doing the right thing? Are You sure this is where we are suppose to go? I had a great peace. I knew this was all going to be ok.

So we are back now to late summer of 2011. I start seeing signs from God everywhere that I am suppose to go to Africa. I see Africa EVERYWHERE I look. So, I go to the first meeting and when the deposit deadlines are laid out I told God, "Ok, if I'm suppose to go, I am giving it to You to get me there." Every deadline has been met, all because He is in charge.

My heart is being changed by His love and I know how much more blessed I will be the more I share His love. Since just sharing enough money for a cup of coleslaw blessed me beyond I imagined, I can't fathom the JOY that is awaiting me at Mattaw Village. Make me like a wave dear Lord, and use me as a tool of love.

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